May 18, 2011

i don't want to say goodbye for the summer

Salah satu icon yang terkenal di Sydney selain dari Opera House. 

Juga dikenali sebagai "The Coat Hanger" sebab bentuknya yang seakan penyangkut baju. 

Di atas jambatan ni ada Bridge Climb setinggi 134 kaki. Kalau berani boleh cuba, kalau tak berani jadilah macam aku, amik gambar dari bawah je.

Dan pada tahun lepas ada event Breakfast on the Bridge di atas jambatan ni bersempena tarikh 10.10.10. Aku tak sure ia akan jadi event setiap tahun ke apa, but who knows!


gadisBunga™ said...


apa event kat situ nanti ek?

pic kelesss cam bese. :D

Anonymous said...

hi fatt,

cantiknya semua gambar-gambar u amik..
bukan dslr pulak tu.."terkesima" i sebentar..
i wish i could take photos as good as u..
ada buat any photoshop editing ke?
will look into canon ixus since i'm currently searching for a good if not the best compact camera..
for me tak practical and convenient to bring dslr with all the accessories when travelling..
a point and shoot camera is compact and easy to carry with especially when hiking and trekking..
but that's just me..pandangan org berbeza..
anyway, i was hoping maybe one day u could write a post on basic photography tips..
u know like tips on how to take photos from different perspectives or "other than eye level photography" as i would like to call it..
basic photoshop editing tutorial/tips if any and etc..
tak sabar tgk your photos kalau dh guna dslr nanti :)
mesti lg sharp, cun and powerrr..hehe..
compact camera pun dh bleh produce this kind of photos what more dslr la kan..

salam perkenalan,

Nieda said...

Very the cantik gambar.

❀aRaBeLLa❀ said...

kan aku ckp aritu pic ko mmg cun..kalah dslr!

Fatt said...

tqvm! tak sure la gb..but im pretty sure they'll come out with some crazy yet cool ideas :)

salam perkenalan :)
thanks! im just a random shooter who's lucky. maybe! :P

im not someone who can give a proper advise on photography but i learn a couple of tips from someone who know about photography years back. he taught me about finding the right angle (avoid the eye level ones coz the photo will look boring), make use 3/4 of the box (u know the 3x3 grid on ur camera) and learn to play with "natural frames" such as branches, flowers, whatever that is natural around you to make frames. i'll post a photo about it just to help u understand what it means by "natural frames".

i'd be lying if i say i didnt do any editing to my photos, but honestly i just use the simple editor. i dont know how to use Photoshop...really! i just use Photoscape..u can find the apps on9 but its the simplest yet basic for dummy like me who dont know how to use Photoshop. however i dont edit that much coz it will lose the originality. tell me which photographer doesnt even use an editor to touch-up the photo? most of them do. it just the matter of whether u overdo it or not. but if they cant take nice photo, editing them wont help much anyway, am i rite?

i pun guna basic camera coz i can just tuck it in my pocket, simple, ringan pastu handy. i was thinking about getting a dslr, tp pas 2-3 hari pikir, my camera merajuk taknak cooperate with me. maybe dia dengar i nak beli kamera kot...haha.

anyway, just experiment around with ur camera. u'll take better photos when u take loads of them. u'll learn somehow by mistakes. just try! :)

makacih! :)

tapi gua tak mampoo lagi nak angkat dslr..camno? hg nak tolak sekenhen dok?

Anonymous said...

fatt, thank you so much for all the tips..
keep on blogging fatt :)
your experiences ni memang "rare"..
seriously, sbb tak banyak malays especially perempuan yg travel konsep "redah, slumber dan bantai" mcm u..
bukan senang nak carik perempuan yang tak shopping when travelling overseas..
mind u, shopping is on top of their agenda..
what i like about u is when u travel, u don't go to places where people usually go..
memang backpacker sejati..
will keep on reading your travelogue..


Fatt said...

haha..mmg org pompuan suka shopping tp i lain sikit. mostly kalau i beli brg2 pun sbb ada org mengirim bila tiap kali travel. but to really buy something for myself i tak reti. some more i rasa shopping ni membazir duit, i rasa baik simpan untuk pegi berjalan sbb lagi bagus.

now im into the idea of wandering around. mcm yg slalu european & american traveller buat tu. konsep redah terjah sbb benda tu lagi menarik dan kita tak terlalu terikat dengan itinerary dan kalau kita suka sstu tmpt tu kita boleh stay longer dan kalau tak suka boleh cabot. hehe